Tuesday 23 November 2010

just a little of the beautiful scenery to show you all, rice fields etc, they lurve rice! 

and no, we don't feel MASSIVE, lol

the local transport, motos, bout 37p a ride to just about anywhere in jaen...bit further and it gets steep, 50p :) 


  1. Hi Laura..... really good to hear from you and see you!!!! If you carry on with all the walking you will be the same size as the brothers out there as you'll wear your legs down!!!
    Will keep watching your blog!!!
    Love the Archers

  2. You're right - that is a bit steep. We'll have to start fundraising for you so you can afford these luxuries ;-)

    Jean looks even more gorgeous than the pics I've seen. I'm so pleased you're having a great time with the cong and in the mini; bet it feels like home already!

    Not at all jealous its so hot (sob sob):-(. hey, I met my first Peruvian in Malta - bizzare; he wasn't very friendly because I didn't want to buy anything! Let that be some friendly advice...

    Keep up with the blog- if you do I'll forgive you for not sending emails.
    Much love
    Helen xxx

  3. haha, lol, jean isn't a person, helen means jaen where we live :P

  4. Hi lol. i'm so happy that you're having such a great time. The pics are fab, bet you'll have loads of tales to tell when you get home. This blog is a great idea because i can get a good idea of what your upto. Yes you're right, it's freeeezing here, as i type i'm wearing three pairs of socks, two being thick thermals!!!! Bet they haven't heard of socks in peru :-P This week should be our CO visit but Neil and Lisa are stuck in York so we haven't got them until thurs though they may not even make that. It's a big shame of course, however i must admit that i was pretty relieved last night as i had a talk! Oh by the way, i had another visit to casualty on monday as a door fell off its hinges at work and fell on my foot - big ouch! Thankfully i only have a small hairline fracture on my 2nd toe on my left foot and bruising, was painful though - it was a moment where words failed me and it's a good job too! So apart from rice what are you eating? Is chocolate available or is it too hot it melts? Was watching the news today and a reporter in Siberia(attempting to make us brits feel somewhat better)demonstrated how freezing it is there and had in his hands a large container of boiling water, he threw it up in the air, above his head and it fell above him as snow - now that is cold...even so, us brits don't cope well with snow or just cold for that matter. It's funny to think that right now you'll be wearing shorts and camisoles and me in my thermal jump suit and three pairs of socks...i was joking about the thermal jump suit...for now! Ooh this is like when we used to write, however if i sent this to you via snail mail you'd be coming home by the time you get it. Well possums, the time has come for me to depart so continue to spread the good word, keep enjoying the experience and send love to Tracey for me, many thanks.

    Take care, love ya x x x

    P.s i reckon i'd feel right at home in Peru-height wise ;-D x x x x

  5. Hey you!! Looks like you are having a lovely time there. I can tell just by the enormous grin on your face...even bigger than your normal one if that's possible! The scenery looks amazing. You will be pleased to be escaping the heavy snow we have at the moment! I will have to send you some photo's of my back garden, we have never seen it so high. Jonesey puts one paw out, tries it, and comes back inside making a really moany meow that can only be translated as "I dooon't think so!".
    I hope you have settled with the food, the weather and the "locals"-By locals I mean any llamas or interesting insects - have you seen any funny creatures yet? I look forward to seeing more of your photos!!
    Keep thinking about you!! Missing you too but know you are having a wonderful time and an amazing adventure! And you're safe with your extended family of Brothers and Sisters...what more could one ask!!
    Love you lots Little Sis.
    Naomi x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
