Saturday 21 May 2011

    Few of us went for long weekend to Colasay,2 hr journey on combi!Lovely,peaceful
    village,local bro&sis so hospitable,nice little hol!;)

  1. Couple of beautiful waterfalls,here we're all getting sprayed from behind,great fun!

Taking a well earned rest!Past lots of coffee trees,picking fruit off the trees to eat,watching vultures flying,jus to remind us we're in South America!!;)lol!

Monday 2 May 2011

 CALLALLUQ :) min day in the sticks
 We took a big box of literature,they went like hot cakes!!;)then we did return visits in the aft!studies and everything!!,thats what we call fantastic min!!!:)
Couple of pics to show how far out and rural the town is!! 
 ever conscious of safety....or not, lol :P

memorial the same place we had the assembly, in the kiddies nursery
nelson our elder during the proceedings. we had 375 in the hearing section and 57 in the deaf, so 432 right? woop!

note from tracy: apologies for the shameful mid-drift,please believe i didnt walk around the memorial flashing!......but we cant give any excuses for Steve in the background!!;p (lol) joking, sorry steve, had to be done :) :D :P