Saturday 21 May 2011

    Few of us went for long weekend to Colasay,2 hr journey on combi!Lovely,peaceful
    village,local bro&sis so hospitable,nice little hol!;)

  1. Couple of beautiful waterfalls,here we're all getting sprayed from behind,great fun!

Taking a well earned rest!Past lots of coffee trees,picking fruit off the trees to eat,watching vultures flying,jus to remind us we're in South America!!;)lol!

Monday 2 May 2011

 CALLALLUQ :) min day in the sticks
 We took a big box of literature,they went like hot cakes!!;)then we did return visits in the aft!studies and everything!!,thats what we call fantastic min!!!:)
Couple of pics to show how far out and rural the town is!! 
 ever conscious of safety....or not, lol :P

memorial the same place we had the assembly, in the kiddies nursery
nelson our elder during the proceedings. we had 375 in the hearing section and 57 in the deaf, so 432 right? woop!

note from tracy: apologies for the shameful mid-drift,please believe i didnt walk around the memorial flashing!......but we cant give any excuses for Steve in the background!!;p (lol) joking, sorry steve, had to be done :) :D :P

Tuesday 12 April 2011

heyy heyy, just backdating a little. this was a meal out wi james and amy when they arrived. yum :) you'll see the food below, actually pretty good, beef, pig and chicken, yucca, platano (the type of banana we don't have in england so much) and chips i think :)

met up with some friends from Lima.....STRIKE!!

amy took this pic, this is how some people live....altho i haven't seen that alot of people have more than one floor...makes you appreciate what you have right?

flyingggggg, yaaaaay, so priddy :P
on our way back from cusco to lima before the 19hour bus journey home to jaen. nice to be above the clouds again :)

Monday 28 March 2011

Aw,we had James and Amy stay for a couple of weeks,so strange to have friends from back home here,but fantastic to see them!Had an amazing party for them.....scottish ceilidh in Peru,so funny,quite a shock to the system for a few of the locals!!;)
Had a very energetic eve playing basketball,poor James found out he had typhoid and parasites and Aimes had parasites too!lesser mortals would have been tucked up in bed,but not these superhuman Staffords!!thats what travelling thru Belize,Costa rica and Peru does for you.....too much living the dream baby!!;)lol


hey peeps, we're having trouble narrating these pics for you, on the upside, less to read for you all....can't think of a downside!! the joys of writer's block :P

fortunately, the pics do speak for themselves so enjoy :) xxx

it's only a few weeks since but it seems like a dream that we were there, fabulous isn't it?? :)
all i can say is.....if this isn't livin' the dream,i dont know what is!!;)

Saturday 12 March 2011

"i'd be mad to push my house back to the top of this hill" quote old jingle from robbie the reindeer in hooves of fire....just reminded me of it cos of how high they chose to build this place. nuts!

Friday 4 March 2011

We went on a 19hr!!busride for the congregation Bethel trip,had a fantastic time with everyone&this bro in front with chefs hat on used to be in our cong,so had scones and jam brought out for us!YUM!!!(made by english sis,first time these guys had tried them!

The names Bond,Juan Bond!

This is the territory we worked near the new assembly hall,which is gorgeous,bigger than Hellaby&even the taxi drivers recognize it as paraiso(paradise)which conpared to surrounding areas,it really is!!

We went to Parque de las aquas,in Lima,great fun,and very wet!!

Totally mad week with these,great when you get a spiritual bunch you can have a great laugh with too!!

OOOOhh,i seem to have grown lots of arms!oooooouuuuuuccchhhh!

Gorgeous multi-coloured water display&laser show with fab music!

This was ace!running across trying to dodge the sprinklers!good,CLEAN,fun!lol!!

Shockingly,we managed to fit 9 people into a taxi on the way home,its totally not illegal,but,v.scary!The worst thing is,we got 13 in a taxi a couple of days later,talk about living dangerously!;/Im jus about gasping for air at the back!!!:0

Monday 28 February 2011

good day to you all our little followers!
sorry it has been a while since we uploaded anything and it won´t be today either i´m afraid cos we´re not in jaen!!

will let you know what we´ve been up to these last two weeks when we get back which should be midweek :)

let´s just say its been pretty brilliant!!

tonsv of love to you all, laura and trace :) xxxxx

Monday 14 February 2011

 at the pioneer school party after their lovely two weeks of gorgeous spiritual education!!
they were all buzzing, it was lovely
slightly upset that the brother bottom left (if i were to write 'friend' it'd be a very loose term at the moment, lol) managed to delete everything i had on the camera this same night. not so bad cos had all but 2/3weeks of stuff uploaded already. but even so :( 
these parrots are ace, the funniest bit is when they imitate you laughing at them...determined to have them saying "good morning" before we leave :P

Thursday 27 January 2011

 We had a little hol(only 12 hr roundtrip!)to Chiclayo for the sign language asssembly...bootiful!
Hmmm,really should stop analizing new food before i eat it!.......;)

 What do you get when you throw 2 english girls and a group of Peruanos in a childrens park?!!........a lot of fun!!;)

 This is the new kingdom hall in Fila Alta,jus outside Jaen,the group there has jus been made a congregation!
 This was our circuit assembly in a school playground,and peoples own different to Hellaby eh?!
Aw,these are some of our closest friends in the congregation,gorgeous girls!!